I've been wanting to connect the Pro controller to the PC ever since I picked mine up when they came out but was unaware that it would only work with the Toshiba bluetooth stack. Instructions posted by pwncloud on Reddit Non needed for the latest WiinUSoft w/ Hotfix and all future releases. I will be looking for a replacement that makes setup easier. Xbox 360 Controller Emulation (If Direct Integration is Possible)Ĭurrently you need vJoy installed to make use of the virtual joystick functions, which will put Windows 7 into test mode since it has an unsigned driver.A button presses Z key and X key at once) Active Angle adjustment for Analog sticks.Maps controller input to a virtual joystick (if available).Connects to Wiimote to use the Classic Controller, CCP, and Nunchuck.Connects multiple Wii U Pro Controllers.It fixes the issue with saving profiles for Classic Controllers. Also, if the Toshiba Bluetooth stack starts to fail to keep the connection to the Wii U Pro Controller, sync it to a Wii U. Note: I'm not planning on updating this beta program, instead I'm working on the final release and then will release the source code for Beta 7. Info on setting up 8-directional Dpad & Help with Xbox 360 Controller Emulation: Video The goal of this program was to get full use out of the Wii U Pro controller's analog sticks.